Wednesday, July 21, 2021

JFM Prepares for Hungary Trip!

With the dog days of summer upon us, Jackson Free Methodist is starting to look forward to the months ahead. On October 10th, there will be a small team departing for Budapest, Hungary to visit with missionaries Katie and Larry Winckle, as well as visiting with local missions’ leadership.

One of the Winckle’s original objectives in Hungary was to begin sustainable church planting by creating areas of worship, creating a thriving spiritual community, and to begin to transition this over to local spiritual leaders. One of the fruits of their labor throughout their time in Hungary has been their involvement in the Set Free Movement and their connection with Zsuzsi McNamara.

The Set Free Movement is an upstream mission focusing on preventing human trafficking through tireless efforts of educating vulnerable women and children. Zsuzsi is responsible for leading the Set Free Movement in Hungary and currently works at children’s homes, schools, prisons, and a variety of other settings to educate vulnerable populations and to create a strong community that is resilient to human trafficking.

This will be JFM’s first time sending a team to Hungary to be a part of these missions and the objective of the trip will be to continue to build and deepen relationships with local leadership, learn from the teams on the ground, and to better understand how JFM can sustainably edify these teams spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially.

Some of the highlights of the tentative trip will be partaking in the Walk for Freedom event to bring more awareness to human trafficking, meeting with the Budapest team, meeting with Set Free Team in Pécs, and visiting a children’s home in Gyór!

Monday, July 19, 2021

What an incredible night of worship, fellowship, food and FUNdraising for JFM! 
On June 26th, the Global Outreach Team hosted (along with donors) a family friendly night to learn more about Global Missions and to raise funds for the three ministry trips planned this year. 

1.Burundi: helping with the medical clinic, grand opending of the maternity ward and VBS in Burenza. Team of 11 are planning to be in Burundi August 11-21. 

2. Hungary: working with JFM's ministry partners Larry and Katie Winckles and Zsuzsi McNamara with the Set Free Movement and Human Trafficking. This is the first ministry trip by JFM to Hungary since we started sponsoring this mission 20+ years ago! Ministry trip is planned for tenative October. 

3. Honduras: helping with church planting for the Garifuna population along the coastline in Honduras. Ministry trip is planned for tenative September. 

Take a look at some of the highlights from Misson Mania-Engage 2021!

Ridge Bollheimer in auctioneer mode and raising money for missions

The evening was filled with a silent and live auction, entertainment for the kids, worship music, exceptional food and ice cream for everyone. The total amount raised for the evening was $19,816! Funds raised will go towards the ministry costs and travel for trips planned to Burenza, Hungary and Honduras.
Pastor Jason, John Nally and Kyle Bartholomew sharing time of education and excitement for Burundi, Hungary and Honduras 

Any age is a fanstastic age to be apart of Global Missions

Stephen and Paula Ziegenfuss leading worship inbetween auctions and wrapping up the evening on a high note

Pastor Tim engaging the attendees during dinner

Carnitas, rice and beans-flavors of Honduras with Scott Weaver and Sharon Watters, members of the Global Outreach Team

Linda Grimm, Jennifer Sawle and Mandy Trierweiler, volunteers of the evening who each plan on attending a ministry trip this year.

Thank you to everyone who came out, supported that night in person or online! A huge thank you to Pat Byler, member of the Go Team for orchestrating, all the donors, volunteers and participants. But lastly, let us rejoice with and always in Jesus-when He enters the room-GREAT things happen. THANK YOU for helping to invest in Christ-Centered partnerships globally and to cultivate changed lives by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you missed the event and would still like to donate, please follow this link: and select "Engage 2021".  
T-shirts are still available as well!

First JFM Ministry Trip to Hungary!

  MARK YOUR CALENDARS to PRAY! In less than a month, JFM will be sending its first Global Outreach Ministry Team to Hungary, to come alongs...