Monday, June 14, 2021

Did you say Swiss Alps of Africa?

Burundi is a place that most go to serve knowing there is a real need. Malnutrition, disease, poor living conditions, and overall a third world way of life. Burundi is also known as the Swiss Alps of Africa, with lush mountains that have farm fields staggered in rows making their way to the top. Coffee and tea plantations, the freshest fruit you will ever eat, and fish that’s caught hours before being cooked to perfection. Quite the dichotomy we have going here you may say, but these are all things you will see in Burundi and yet the one thing we haven’t talked about that trumps all else is the people. 

Going to Burundi will be one of the most polarizing things you will ever do. You will meet shopworkers selling clothing hanging from scraps of wood, mothers working fields with no more than a shirt, skirt, and her hands. A ten-year-old boy who fills potholes in the road with dirt, possibly making a few cents in the process. Younger kids filling in while their moms are away feeding their even younger sister the only solid meal they will have that week, maybe sneaking a spoon or two for themselves.  But with all this hardship, there is much more that could be said, the people of Burundi are happy. Not happy because of the hardship but happy for everything they do have.

Now there you stand emerged in this different world, everything that was normal now a bit abnormal and you’re asking yourself how this can be, and how can I share in this same joy? As with many who have gone before, ticket in one hand, and bug repellent in the other you go seeking to serve and you will. As many have found no one leaves without thinking they were the ones who were served. Even better said BLESSED.   

So, what do I do?
  • GO, go to Burundi. The deadline is June 20th.
  • Serve the team by going to the Mission mania event on June 26th at 6 pm, JFM grounds.
  • Pray, Pray, Pray. Pray there are no travel restrictions, pray for safe travel, pray for a fresh perspective, pray God moves in God-sized ways.

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